Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The End is Drawing Nigh...

...I am starting to sell my knitting books.

Knitting Book Collection 1

The Alice Starmore books (second shelf on the right) are the first to be listed, at Treechild's Books on Amazon or on Ravelry (sign in required).

I am hoping they go to a good home (although, with knitting books, there's not much worry there).

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Drop Spindle Spinning Class

If you're in the Pasadena area, make time tomorrow afternoon, Sunday, January 25, from 2:00 - 4:00 PM, to learn how to spin using the ancient, simple but effective technology of a drop spindle.

For details, click here.

EZ Pi Shawl - At the Border

Elizabeth Zimmermann Pi Shawl - Lace Border Bind-off
FINALLY, my EZ Pi Shawl from Knitter's Almanac: Projects for Each Month of the Year is being bound off! I have completed about 36 inches of the lace bind-off band, following the pattern, "Loop Edging," Elizabeth Zimmerann selected from Barbara Walker.