The socks are finished (except for weaving in the ends), and I did run out of the Trekking wool. So I undid the first sock from the toe and joined the wool to the second sock. I would undo a few rows on the first sock and then knit a few rows on the second sock until the two socks were at the same place. Then I joined the black wool and finished knitting each sock separately.

Which meant I had to use Kitchener stitch again to finish the toes. Schurch has a clear explanation in her socks book on page 24. However, on the first sock I was not doing the "as if to knit" correctly. I was "knitting" into the back of the stitch on the back row instead of the front of the stitch. The second sock is better, although still not perfect. Maybe next time....
Mom says, "don't wear them, frame them"
No--they are to be worn! I'm happy they fit.
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